Thursday, January 29, 2009

24 Weeks

Here is our little munchkin at 24 weeks old. Sorry, I got a little behind.

Caden has really been enjoying new tastes! So far his favorite is sweet potatoes and apples, but he also likes carrots, bananas, peas, and prunes. He has an activity table that he loves to stand in front of, smacking the buttons and the lights. His sitting is getting better and better and he can almost sit on his own. Also, he has been rolling from belly to back for a little while and now is showing interest in rolling the other way. What else...Mark has started him on a strict training program to practice his catching. Ha, Ha. Mark sits him in the boppy on the floor and he loves it! Caden gets his hands up and then the ball lands in his lap...Mark enjoys it as much as Caden.
So far we do not see/feel any teeth, but I think they will be here any day now.

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